Saturday, September 23, 2006


Well, Armenia was a place to see, although not so different from Iran, be it Mother Nature, be the city. Actually the only thing that made me feel I am outside Iran -and not in one of it's provinces- were the billboards with a non-fully-covered(!!!) lady's picture advertising drinks or something!

It was fun enough having known some languages, challenging with the people whose language is too far away from what you can communicate with! But anyway the Armenians with iranian origin were of great help everywhere.

The most interesting point was that the majority of the tourists who had come to visit the historical monuments and so, were the Armenians residing in other countries like Canada. Exactly like what happens to the Iraninas residing outside Iran: the same "NOSTALGIC FEELING ABOUT THE ORIGINS".

And SAD BUT TRUE: is that Iran's neighboring countries are not so eligible as Iran is, in attracting tourists from all over the world -mainly France, Germany and Italy- however it is Iran's misconduct of the government that have lead them to that route.


* Ablibikha, is one of the special fruits of Armenia, which is delicious enough to try!


Blogger jeerjeerak said...

It's not the pomogranate season, but i think Armenians consider that to be their national fruit. Anyway, now as a gharb-zadeh, I have to admit that California Pomigranate is more tasty than that of Saveh or Armenia!

9/24/2006 6:53 PM  
Blogger Lmira said...

haha! It doesn't matter! It's really their fruit and their most beloved SYMBOL without a doubt! as whereever we went, they had some handicrafts of Pomigranate to offer!!!

9/27/2006 2:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Armenians.

10/12/2006 8:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pomogranate has nothing to do with Armenians historically and even nowdays. Just go to internet and search for it. I can send U a lot of info about pomogranate history if U wish. My e-mail is


5/29/2008 3:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pomogranate has nothing to do with Armenians historically and even nowdays. Just go to internet and search for it. I can send U a lot of info about pomogranate history if U wish. My e-mail is


5/29/2008 3:08 AM  

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